intriguing art for bored and lonely walls

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Splatter Pain, err, Paint, Birthday

It's going to be a messy birthday this weekend, can I just tell you.    We are having a paint splatter party, and it is quite possible we will be cleaning up the mess for all eternity.    Today I have to go and find some dropsheets, and more importantly, try to figure out how to get them to stay hung on basement walls, since they are a bit heavy and I am not so confident in duct tape...  

I keep accidentally writing "splatter pain".   Rather appropriate for artists in general, if you know what I mean.   Not so much for a kids' birthday... LOL...

While Googling various items for the party, I came across the factoid that Katy Perry had a splatter paint birthday a few years ago.   I had no idea, so that seems like a bonus in trying to make teenagers happy, doesn't it?   Perhaps it can be my secret weapon as an inoculation against any drama...