intriguing art for bored and lonely walls

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Splatter Pain, err, Paint, Birthday

It's going to be a messy birthday this weekend, can I just tell you.    We are having a paint splatter party, and it is quite possible we will be cleaning up the mess for all eternity.    Today I have to go and find some dropsheets, and more importantly, try to figure out how to get them to stay hung on basement walls, since they are a bit heavy and I am not so confident in duct tape...  

I keep accidentally writing "splatter pain".   Rather appropriate for artists in general, if you know what I mean.   Not so much for a kids' birthday... LOL...

While Googling various items for the party, I came across the factoid that Katy Perry had a splatter paint birthday a few years ago.   I had no idea, so that seems like a bonus in trying to make teenagers happy, doesn't it?   Perhaps it can be my secret weapon as an inoculation against any drama... 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Watch You Step

Pretty soon all the ghosties and other creepies will be wandering around...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Love Sales

This photograph sold in my shop two days ago.   Do I feel like a kid finding something new and lovely to jump up and down about when I make a sale?  Yessss.    Am I goofy?  Yessss.   

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Where Nearly Everything Is Orange

We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend.  There was so much for the kids to do.    Not only did they have a great time, they were utterly exhausted after running atop a hay bale maze and jumping from bale to bale.   This meant bedtime was not a dramatic ordeal.

While there, we met this guy - an animatronic dinosaur that quite enjoyed "eating" pumpkins.  
I have to say my first thought was WTF

"Hmmmmm," he pondered audibly, as he picked out a pumpkin

"Crush IT!  Crush IT!" chanted all the kids

Mr. Dino snoring while we waited for him to wake up

The Picture I Didn't Take...

Going about my business yesterday, I drove right past an ordinary-looking man sitting on the sidewalk on the street.   He looked like any other "dad" type man, nothing especially bedraggled about him at all.   No fancy jacket, just some sort of non-nondescript long coat, and a multicolored (not in a good way) hat.

What caught my attention was the way he sat with his knees drawn up, as if he were not really expecting anyone to notice him, as if he were lost in his thoughts. 

That and the small cardboard sign, small enough to have been ripped off the top of a moving box, that stated simply "Anything is helpful."

I wanted to pull over and give him my coffee, which I had just gotten at Starbucks, for lack of a more edgy place nearby.    Or maybe my son's hot chocolate - he will never miss it, I reasoned, since he doesn't know I have gotten him one.   Surely this man needed it more; surely he could be made briefly just a bit happier by a cup of coffee or hot chocolate on a 55 degree morning...

The trouble with helping people on street corners is more obvious downtown, where you can see it in many of the eyes of those who ask for help that they are taking you for a ride.    You can see it in the eyes of the urban natives, as they watch the little short girl get approached - already judging me as a silly tourist for not being a total jerk to them.    Sometimes I stop and talk with the more entertaining ones outside the Art Institute.    But mostly, I shake my head and go on my way, as I have been a grownup now for quite some time, and am not so naive.    I feel sad when a super cute chick, who seems put together and intelligent, comes up to me in the parking garage, giving me the line that she needs money for gas to get back to wherever.    I say sorry, I don't have any cash.   But I want to say, SERIOUSLY?

So with these thoughts tumbling around, I didn't give him anything.   I had already gone by anyhow.   But it bugged me all day.   Because my sense was that maybe he was one of the ones that do need help...   And so if I see him today, I think I will definitely buy him a cup of something helpful... Not like that makes me a good person, or like it's going to change his life beyond those few moments of warmth...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Steps Among Ghosts...

I pass this cemetery all the time. Always, I'm late on my way for somewhere, and on the way back, I'm too tired, the light is wrong, the kids are with me, etc. This time I stopped for an ever so brief few snaps. There was a funeral going on at the other end, such a small burial... I felt intrusive, even as far away as I was. However, I did manage to get these few that I love...

This image is haunting to me, not only because it's so sad but also because she seems to be staring right at you...


Monday, October 10, 2011


A little snap I took earlier this year, along with one of my poems.   It's funny how that chapter of my life seems like several hundred {thousand} lifetimes ago.    I am not that girl any more.   I remain unsure that this is a good thing, but am grateful that I emerged as more than just a shell of a person.   {I think.}  The oddest part of this non-story is that the villain wasn't a villain at all, but a hero, as it always has been from the beginning.    Which of course makes no sense.   But that's the rub, you see.  None of it made any sense.   Behind my lens, however, I found, as I always do, solace, and clarity.   I'm re-visiting this project to see if I can get it to the place I intended...

e r o s i o n

i've been sleeping through my waking moments {lately}...
waiting for something i can{not}
to stop;
it began so slowly, i hardly realized at first -
a drip,
faucet -
my composure -
my stomach -
tearing pieces of my {soul}
away -
i watch them float like butterfly wings;
my trust wavering;
{belief} quivering;
focus blurred...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Medieval Times and Camera Love

I really, really, REALLY enjoyed my visit to Medieval Times.  I must confess it wasn't the food, the story, or the medieval atmosphere that permeated literally everything.   It was the low-light practice it afforded me.   Okay and the quality family time for sure, which was utterly amazing.   Seeing the kids stand up and cheer like maniacs when the Black and White Knight won - was awesome.   

Low-light action is something I am always fiddling with.   It gets better and better.   But it is not where I want it to be.  I thought these came out ok though.   I especially love the bottom one of the  Princes Lennore - it reminds me of one of my favorite Digital Blasphemy wallpapers of a magic circle...
Blue Knight
Lennore musing on her lost Tristan

Friday, October 7, 2011

Following Your Self

This is one of my favorite photos I have taken recently-ish.   I think we generally know where we are going, what we want, and so forth, at a certain point.   Sometimes I see myself denying what it is I really want, or what I really feel about certain things.   More than than, struggling with belief in myself, and in my art.  Something in my upbringing, I suppose.  

This photo is also for sale in my shop, should you be intrigued...   

Memories of Spring + RetroCamera Love...

Winter is wandering its way over to us here in Chicagoland in slightly chilly fits and starts... But today - today is a beautiful, warm day. The kids are playing with the hose, running amuck in that way I can never seem to mimic now, as a {self-admitted totally boring!} adult....

This photo was taken sometime in the spring while walking along one of the many trails around here. As much as I long for an iPhone (contracts, contracts... sigh) and its Hipstamatic app, I have to say that RetroCamera and some of the Android apps are pretty alright. This is one of my favorite effects, with its filmstrip edges and generous scratches...

Facebook Landing Page...

If you have a moment to "Like" me on facebook, I'd appreciate it!  Also I'd love feedback on my new landing page...  

Finding my focus...

A lone petal on the windshield of my car...  I always love the way the rain makes a natural, pseudo-bokeh texture.  To me, this image speaks to two emotions:  the sometimes need to focus on just one thing, and let everything else fade into the background; and the feeling of being alone, with all the baggage that tends to bring / set free, depending on your mood... 

I couldn't decide which one I liked the best: SOOC on the right; or a vintage feel added on the left.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Who doesn't love the Chicago Theater??

I'm so excited because Tori Amos is coming to town in December!  I definitely plan to go...

Check out my new shop listing as I catch this iconic sign from a different perspective...

St. Mary of the Angels Restoration

Often while driving I see this gorgeous basilica (at least that is the term that comes to mind!) and can never seem to get a shot (since I'm barreling down the highway...).   Going to, I learned that the church is called St. Mary of the Angels.  I just think it is one of the most gorgeous churches I have ever seen.   Is it sacrilegious that I prefer to enjoy the architecture of a church rather than go to one regularly?   Maybe.   But I just can't help myself...  I feel a need to climb something to get a lovely shot of all those amazing angels...

I always wonder:  what would it have been like to grow up having religion be beautiful, at least on the outside?   To sit in a cavernous church - would I feel closer to God?   What would it be like to have concrete religious beliefs instead of the scattered remnants of a forced strict religious upbringing?   Does a person feel more connected to others?  To themselves?  To God?   Would it have made a difference?   Would I be less dysfunctional?   More so?   Do angels really watch over me?  Pondering, pondering...

Hope up high

New in the shop!  One of many beautiful churches I pass by on my way into greater Chicago.   Although I am not overtly religious, I do find inspiration and a sense of hope when I look at the time and love and belief that goes into these structures...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It can't rain all the time...

Who knew Picnik could enchant me more at times than my beloved Photoshop??  I didn't see that coming...  

Here's a little Poe / Eric Draven mashup for Halloween...  What do you think?    Is the "zooming in" feeling too subtle? 

I'd love to see some of your Halloween photographs if you want to share...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Buddha and the Fedora

My daughter loves this hat. Recently she added some humor to my morning when I woke up and saw it jauntily perched on my Buddha... I pushed it back some to get a better shot of his face. I'm thinking he might have liked wearing a crazy hat... Although, it would probably have proved too distracting... Heh...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Love nests

My son found a bird's nest, empty, waiting for "new bird families to move in" (as he put it)...   It was so hard to wait, to let him put it safely back in the tree in the backyard...   I definitely am going to use it in a photo, or some art.   So lovely, and delicate...   And, too funny - our fluffy dog's fur was totally sewn in there.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bottle Cap Love

I just loved the contrast between the green bottlecap and the dark / yellow asphalt... taken in the Wal-mart parking lot....

Camera360 for Android, retro effect.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

rainy bokeh under the bridge

It's amazing at night, in the rain, underneath downtown bridges...

Beneath the L

365 return

Between school full time and my life I have not made time to upload my photos every day.   This is wholly unwise because now it takes 5 times as long as I try to find the photo for the correct day in my mess of photo madness.    Check it out if you like, so far I'm halfway updated....  Missing August but otherwise...

Friday, September 9, 2011

New Method Press Mag is Out!

I was privileged to work on Issue one of Method Press with the ladies of fPOE (Female Photographers of Etsy).    Issue two has come out recently and is titled "A Funny Story".  The mag is all about art,  the synthesis of art, and lo-fi thinking.   Check it out today and show them some love! 

Friday Favorite Artist

One of my all time favorite artists on Etsy happens to be Jessica Doyle.   I discovered today she has a new shop out in addition to her Etsy shop.  It is called Handmade Cloud (cool name, right?!) and she sells digital downloads of her wonderful prints for a very affordable price.  So you must click, right now, and see the awesomeness!

I'm often inspired by lyrics...

How can you see into my eyes / like open doors
Leading you down into my core...
Bring Me to Life - Evanescence

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Chicago Love

Just a few of the snaps I took this weekend downtown... 

Too cool to see these gorgeous ladies walking between skyscrapers...

I am in love with this sign
You spin me right round, baby... Navy Pier

Marina City Building

Sunday, September 4, 2011

a lovely sunday walk

It was a gorgeous day in Chicagoland. My little one and I took the monster dogs for a long walk. She found many treasures along the way. When she stands on manholes, she pretends they turn her invisible... 

A little cuteness...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I was featured in a lovely blog!

I was so happy to have my dandelion photograph be featured on Hena's blog. Such a nice way to start the day! Her photography shop on Etsy had been one of my favorites for some time now. This photo of hers in particular is one of my newest favorites: Turquoise Interior of Steam Train.

Check out my photo and the other talented artists that were featured here:
Hena Tayeb Photography: Circles

Monday, May 30, 2011

150/365 - i am free

many times, though not always, when we have a foundation of personal freedom, we are only as chained as we allow ourselves to be. for all the people who've fought for the freedom, real freedom, of this country, or any other, i thank you.

149/365 - in which i miss the bridge, but enjoy the result

seriously i could never tire of chicago. i could wander for hours and never get far from all the things i would love to snap...

148/365 - city in fog

there's something i love about buildings half-obscured by fog, seemingly emerging from the ether...

Friday, May 27, 2011

147/365 - i walk in dreams

"That many dreams within dreams is too unstable..." - Inception

all those things we long for, all those places we have been, all those dreams we have of what we will do, and say, and be, and create... they all intersect at some point, crashing into our built up reality like a freight train. sometimes you can jump on and enjoy the ride. other times you are crushed.

so here's to jumping on, screaming at the top of your lungs, and going where your soul takes you, no matter where that may be.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

145/365 - a tale of books, architecture, and bokeh

i would have pressed my nose to the glass in total drool over this bookstore, but my lens was in the way. having already had a full day, this had to be saved for another excursion. but i'll be back. and i might stay for hours.

Monday, May 23, 2011

143/365 - absorbed by clouds

sometimes i want to leave the world behind, fly straight into the vaporous amazingness...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

142/365 - the day after tomorrow

i'd planned to do something more momentous for this, the first day after the world didn't end (again) - however it didn't work out that way. this snap was a quickie and not exactly what i'd planned either.

i've passed this cool old silo with its beckoning dark window many times, always wondering- why a window? what is the need of that? could you just tumble down a la' Alice?

and, more importantly - are there zombies in there?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

141/365 - and i feel fine


growing up with tales of a fiery, horrible apocalypse to come that would kill everyone not "special", i'm rather well inoculated against such things. i escaped, ran like hell, and never looked back...

Friday, May 20, 2011

140/365 by lillithsnapped · 365 Project


this wasn't exactly where i was going with this flower but oh well it's different.

139/365 - there is not a head in here


i love my new camera bag. so much easier to tote my cam around. although on walking shoots i will need to find a shoulder strap. as a bonus, i keep thinking of janeanne garafalo in mystery men. tho hers was cooler for obvious reasons! 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

138/365 - gr8ful every day by lillithsnapped · 365 Project

today i bought 2 books from that evil store. this was one of the lovely pages that caught my eye earlier today. i'm grateful every day for my life, for the people in my life, and even the difficult times because they make me who i am. without the specific formula of these elements, i would not be who i am. even on the days i question myself, and if i'm X{enough}, i can't imagine being in another more quiet, more ordinary life...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Great Interview With Carrie Clevenger, Author of Crooked Fang

I love Crooked Fang and you will too.   Check  it out.  Sign up to get the story.  Then check out this awesomeness below. 

Interview with Carrie about Crooked Fang

Evil Not Dead performing song written exclusively for Crooked Fang, to be unveiled in Austin in October

137/365 - forest path by lillithsnapped · 365 Project

lovely little trail in town - there's a huge swath of wilderness smack in all these little towns. reminds me of austin, and how from many areas you could walk through a clearing into the loveliest forest for a substantial hike...